
The Royal Canadian Army Cadets appeal to teenagers craving exciting outdoor activities where their personal limits as individuals and team-members will be tested.

Army cadets develop abilities in the use of map and compass, GPS technology, orienteering, first-aid, camping and survival skills, canoeing, abseiling, trekking, mountain biking, etc. As they get more experienced, some will be selected for parachuting, white-water rafting and glacier climbing. They will also learn to become outdoor leaders.

Army Cadets get involved in ceremonial military events and citizenship activities that allow them to connect to their Canadian heritage. They develop a great sense of pride and discipline through their involvement in a hierarchical system that allows them to hone their leadership skills as they grow older and they learn to care for younger cadets.

In addition to their specialty training, Army Cadets may become involved in other exciting activities like competitive Olympic-style marksmanship and biathlon, sports competitions, music training and competitions, cultural outings, volunteer community support, etc.  Canada represents the best playground for teenagers interested in the outdoors. We are the organization of choice for teens and adults interested in getting out of the classroom to explore the outdoors.

National and International Expeditions

Every year, some of our top cadets get a chance to participate in high-level expeditions around the globe. Our destinations in the past few years included Morocco, Australia, Costa Rica, South Korea, Italy, Mont-Blanc, the France/Spain Pyrenees, New Zealand, the Canadian Rockies, the Northwest Territories, and Newfoundland and Labrador. Whatever the destination, cadets will find the ultimate challenge awaiting them!

How to Become a Cadet?

How much does it cost? Who can join? What about medical, physical and mental conditions? But I’m not 12 years of age yet? How do I join Cadets?

The Cadet training year follows that of the school calendar year, beginning in September and ending in May/June. You may join at anytime during the cadet training year (September to May June), however, if you are interested in attending summer camp or want to progress to the next proficiency level/star/phase the following year – you will need to have joined NO LATER THAN March 31.

STEP 1 You will first need to decide if you would like to join Sea Cadets, Army Cadets or Air Cadets. You cannot join more than one program.

STEP 2 Once you have chosen which element (Sea, Army or Air Cadets) interests you the most, you will then want to find the Cadet Corps (Sea or Army) or Squadron (Air) that is closest to you (or perhaps the one that your friends are already members of).  To help you find the Corps or Squadron closest to you, please visit the Corps and Squadron Directory. You may either enter your city, postal code or may even type the Cadet Corps or Squadron number if you know it. For best results, we recommend that you use your postal code.  Remember, Corps are for Sea and Army Cadets and Squadrons are for Air Cadets!  At this point, you know which element you would like to join and where it is. You should also have been able to see which evening and time that they meet at and perhaps even a contact number. You are welcome to contact them to find out further information and details or you may attend on the evening and time that they meet.

STEP 3 Go and visit the Corps or Squadron that you have chosen to join. Upon joining you will need to bring a few things with you which include:  a photocopy of the birth certificate or equivalent; and a photocopy of the health insurance card (where available). The Cadet Corps or Squadron will also provide you with a few forms that will need to be completed and signed. These completed forms, along with the photocopies of your health insurance card and birth certificate start your Cadet Personnel Record. Your Cadet Personnel Record is stored safely and securely at the Cadet Corps or Squadron that you are joining. There is no need to send forms or documentation anywhere! When you leave or age-out of Cadets, make sure to ask for a copy of your Cadet Personnel Record. You never know if you will need it in the future and it makes for a great keepsake!

STEP 4 Now that you have completed all the necessary forms, have the proper documentation and have been accepted for membership – welcome to the Cadet Program!  Experiences that you cannot get anywhere else are about to begin! Experience the journey!