BCDs Conduct Ex AGILE DRAGOON 19 to Train Soldier Skills and Fulfill Battle Task Standards
By OCdt Matt Pedersen, 3 Tp, Recce Sqn
From 13-15 September 2019, the British Columbia Dragoons (BCDs) conducted Exercise AGILE DRAGOON 19 in Vernon and the North Okanagan, in order to refresh basic soldier skills and fulfill Individual Battle Task Standards (IBTS). Starting late Friday night, the BCDs and 39 Signals conducted a Regimental move into the hills of the Vernon Military Camp where elements from 1 Troop (41) and 2 Troop (42) established overnight hides. Coinciding with dismounted patrols by the BCD Recce Troops, 3 Troop (43) under the direction of 39 Signals established a Command Post (CP) with security.
According to Capt Wood, Officer Commanding Recce Squadron, “Exercise AGILE DRAGOON 2019 saw us out the gates and into the field very early in our training cycle, allowing us to build on training, taskings, and deployments conducted over the spring and summer of 2019. Our priority was getting getting troops in the field on our first training ex of the year, where soldiers completed their IBTS requirements within the context of a Squadron-level screen task, working within a scenario that included OPFOR and a realistic operating scenario that was developed for us by 6 Intelligence Company in Edmonton.”
With little rest since deploying to the field on Friday night, 41 and 42 spent Saturday conducting mounted and dismounted IBTS, including land navigation, patrolling, fieldcraft, camouflage and concealment, security, and the establishment of Observation Posts (OPs). With communication between the Recce Troops and the Squadron CP maintained by 39 Signals, the entire Squadron received additional taskings to monitor simulated Opposing Forces (OPFOR) and plan follow on missions for Sunday.
With the remainder of Saturday occupied by IBTS in vehicle and dismounted patrols, Sunday concluded with a convoy escort task using the black-track forestry roads east of Vernon, followed by post exercise drills, and ending with a Regiment-wide family day, where friends and family were invited to make use of the Regiment’s Small Arms Trainer (SAT) range and accompany the troops in a series of TAPV rides.